The Prepper Spreadsheet

I’ve been wanting to share this pantry list spreadsheet for a long time so I finally got around to it today.

Over a year ago, I got into “prepping”. I originally avoided that term because most preppers in my mind were whack jobs. But I also saw the need to prepare my family for disasters. Specifically, in my neck of the woods, I’m preparing for the next Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. It’s just a matter of time before we have one and like almost everyone, we were very much not ready.

Our house has a pantry in it and I decided to build shelves that used space as efficiently as possible. I originally started this spreadsheet to list everything in our pantry and the size of each container so that I could make each shelf a perfect size to maximize space. Then I found I needed to make a column to track how many of each item I wanted to store. Then I needed to buy that many items but I wanted to save money doing it so I started writing down the cheapest prices from receipts. And on and on.

It’s now an exhaustive list of all consumable items in our house. It’s big and extensive and OCD and incredibly useful.

Hope it helps you.